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Words that Almost Rhyme with dorms
1 syllable
- arms
- bairns
- barns
- berms
- charms
- churns
- corns
- earns
- farms
- ferns
- firms
- germs
- harms
- horns
- kerns
- learns
- mourns
- scorns
- sperms
- spurns
- sterns
- tarns
- terms
- tern
- terns
- therms
- thorns
- turns
- vermes
- warns
- yarns
- yearns
- arns
- birns
- bourns
- ernes
- herms
- morns
- norns
- perms
- querns
- serms
- skarns
- squirms
- ternes
- -therms
- barms
- barnes
- bernes
- birnes
- bournes
- burns
- byrnes
- cairns
- chirms
- curns
- darns
- derns
- durns
- ferms
- firns
- garns
- girns
- harns
- herns
- kernes
- kirns
- liernes
- marms
- mornes
- perns
- pirns
- scarns
- scherms
- sharns
- smarms
- sorns
- starns
- thairms
- thurms
- tourns
- worms
- wurms
- yarms
2 syllables
- adjourns
- adorns
- affirms
- alarms
- bear arms
- by turns
- concerns
- confirms
- disarms
- discerns
- forearms
- in arms
- internes
- nocturnes
- returns
- small arms
- take turns
- termes
- took turns
- decerns
- kermes
- sauternes
- short arms
- air horns
- alternes
- attorns
- back turns
- ball ferns
- bank barns
- bar arms
- bass horns
- beam arms
- bear corns
- bears arms
- beech ferns
- black terns
- blackarms
- blood worms
- blue corns
- bogferns
- bore arms
- borne arms
- bow-arms
- brush burns
- buck arms
- buck's horns
- bulk yarns
- by-terms
- carbarns
- casernes
- caserns
- chain ferns
- clam worms
- cloak ferns
- coach horns
- coat arms
- comb ferns
- combed yarns
- consarns
- cothurns
- cow corns
- crank arms
- crape ferns
- creek ferns
- crest ferns
- cromornes
- crow corns
- cup ferns
- dead-arms
- deer ferns
- dent corns
- deperms
- ditch ferns
- dredge corns
- dry farms
- dry-farms
- dung worms
- enarmes
- externes
- externs
- eye worms
- fat farms
- fee farms
- felt ferns
- field corns
- film ferns
- firstborns
- fish farms
- fish-farms
- five-corns
- flash burns
- flat turns
- fleece worms
- flint corns
- forewarns
- french horns
- fringed ferns
- froth worms
- fur farms
- gisarmes
- glass arms
- glass worms
- glass yarns
- goat's horns
- goat's thorns
- gold ferns
- goldarns
- goldurns
- grape ferns
- grass ferns
- gray horns
- green corns
- ground ferns
- ground worms
- hair ferns
- hand horns
- hand's turns
- hard ferns
- hay ferns
- heart yarns
- hog corns
- hulled corns
- husk corns
- hut urns
- hutch burns
- iced firns
- imbarns
- incarns
- inurns
- james f. byrnes
- jump turns
- ken burns
- keyed horns
- kick turns
- king ferns
- king's-ferns
- knave bairns
- knife urns
- knop yarns
- lace ferns
- landsturms
- lathyarns
- least terns
- led farms
- link arms
- lip ferns
- loan farms
- lock horns
- locked horns
- locks horns
- lucarnes
- male ferns
- marsh ferns
- marsh terns
- mislearns
- moon ferns
- moss ferns
- night horns
- nocturns
- nonterms
- nub yarns
- oak ferns
- obfirms
- oosperms
- outearns
- outlearns
- palm worms
- peck horns
- pin thorns
- pine worms
- ply yarns
- pod corns
- pod ferns
- poor farms
- port arms
- post horns
- pre-warns
- prewarns
- prune worms
- queen ferns
- queen's arms
- quill ferns
- rearms
- red worms
- reed horns
- relearns
- ringed worms
- riss-wurms
- rock arms
- rock ferns
- rock turns
- rogue's yarns
- rope yarns
- rose morns
- rose worms
- round turns
- sail arms
- salferns
- saw ferns
- scale ferns
- scale worms
- schoolmarms
- screw ferns
- sea corns
- sea ferns
- sea terms
- sea turns
- sea worms
- secerns
- seed ferns
- self-harms
- shed burns
- shield ferns
- sick burns
- slope arms
- slow burns
- slub yarns
- snake worms
- soft corns
- spin yarns
- spring corns
- spun yarns
- stag's horns
- star turns
- starch corns
- steinkerns
- stem turns
- step turns
- stiff-arms
- stillborns
- straight-arms
- strap ferns
- street corns
- stretch yarns
- strong-arms
- sweet corns
- sweet ferns
- sweet thorns
- sword arms
- sword ferns
- takes turns
- tank farms
- tent worms
- tex burns
- the mearns
- thumb turns
- tithe barns
- tomorns
- tongue ferns
- tongue worms
- tooth germs
- torque arms
- trail arms
- tree farms
- tree ferns
- truck farms
- tube worms
- unarms
- unlearns
- wall ferns
- watch charms
- wheat germs
- whip yarns
- white terns
- white worms
- wild corns
- wind farms
- wood ferns
- woodkerns
- work farms
- yardarms
- zoosperms
3 syllables
- gymnosperms
- holofernes
- isotherms
- open arms
- reaffirms
- speaking terms
- subalterns
- taking turns
- bearing arms
- bioherms
- endotherms
- false alarms
- special terms
- taken turns
- underarms
- acorn worms
- adder's-ferns
- apple worms
- arctic terns
- arrow horns
- arthroderms
- baby farms
- backing yarns
- ballad horns
- bamboo ferns
- bankrupt worms
- basket ferns
- basset horns
- bird's-foot ferns
- bird's-nest ferns
- black tree ferns
- bladder ferns
- bladder worms
- blastoderms
- boston ferns
- bottle ferns
- boulder ferns
- bowel worms
- bramble worms
- bridled terns
- bring to terms
- brings to terms
- bristle ferns
- bristle worms
- brittle ferns
- broad beech ferns
- brought to terms
- brown hair worms
- buckhorn ferns
- bugle horns
- bulblet ferns
- bull's-horn thorns
- call to arms
- calls to arms
- came to terms
- camel thorns
- camel's thorns
- can of worms
- carded yarns
- carposperms
- catch-all terms
- catchall terms
- cecal worms
- chance their arms
- chance your arms
- chanced their arms
- chanced your arms
- chicken corns
- christmas ferns
- circle turns
- climbing ferns
- clover ferns
- coat of arms
- coats of arms
- cockspur thorns
- coffee ferns
- come to terms
- comes to terms
- cotton ferns
- cotton worms
- county farms
- crazy worms
- creeping ferns
- crested ferns
- crown of thorns
- cubit arms
- cycad ferns
- dagger ferns
- disaffirms
- disconfirms
- disease germs
- dorsal horns
- dorset horns
- downhill turns
- dragon worms
- drift alarms
- eagle ferns
- early germs
- ectoderms
- ectotherms
- eldest borns
- elkhorn ferns
- endoderms
- english horns
- entoderms
- epiderms
- episperms
- eurytherms
- exoderms
- fairy terns
- false returns
- feather ferns
- feather germs
- female ferns
- filbert worms
- filmy ferns
- finger ferns
- first-name terms
- fishing worms
- flag alarms
- floating ferns
- flour corns
- flour worms
- flower-cup ferns
- force and arms
- fragile ferns
- freezer burns
- funny farms
- garbage worms
- geisotherms
- geotherms
- giant ferns
- gizzard worms
- golden ferns
- guinea worms
- gull-billed terns
- gullet worms
- hare's-foot ferns
- hart's-tongue ferns
- head of horns
- heated terms
- hematherms
- high-speed turns
- hollow horns
- holly ferns
- homotherms
- hooded terns
- horsehair worms
- horsetail corns
- hunting horns
- hybrid corns
- hypertherms
- hypnosperms
- hypoderms
- inside turns
- interterms
- jabs in arms
- jointed ferns
- jumping worms
- kidney worms
- king at arms
- king of arms
- kings of arms
- lady ferns
- layman's terms
- leather ferns
- legal terms
- lever arms
- lily thorns
- little terns
- loafing barns
- locking horns
- long beech ferns
- lowest terms
- macrotherms
- maguey worms
- maitre d'armes
- maitres d'armes
- major terms
- male shield ferns
- man-at-arms
- maple worms
- marsh shield ferns
- meadow ferns
- megatherms
- men-at-arms
- mesoderms
- mesotherms
- microtherms
- middle terms
- minor terms
- misty morns
- monosperms
- motor horns
- mountain ferns
- mutton corns
- nebenkerns
- nonconcerns
- old-man ferns
- open turns
- oral arms
- orange worms
- order arms
- ostrich ferns
- overburns
- overlearns
- oyster farms
- oyster-farms
- paper worms
- parchment worms
- parsley ferns
- partial terms
- peanut worms
- periderms
- perisperms
- phaeoderms
- phelloderms
- pickup arms
- pododerms
- poplar worms
- portland terns
- powder horns
- present arms
- prickly ferns
- protoderms
- pseudoderms
- pseudosperms
- psorosperms
- quick returns
- rabbie burns
- rabbit thorns
- railroad worms
- readjourns
- reconfirms
- regal ferns
- reverse arms
- reverse turns
- ribbon ferns
- ribbon worms
- river terns
- robert burns
- rocker arms
- royal ferns
- royal terns
- saddle horns
- saddle querns
- sago ferns
- sallow thorns
- sandwich terns
- scaly ferns
- scented ferns
- scleroderms
- sea returns
- seaweed ferns
- self-concerns
- series turns
- serpent ferns
- serpent worms
- shield of arms
- shoestring ferns
- shoulder arms
- shrubby ferns
- silver ferns
- snowplow turns
- snuffbox ferns
- solar farms
- sooty terns
- spermoderms
- spider ferns
- spouting horns
- squirrel corns
- staghorn ferns
- steering arms
- stenotherms
- still alarms
- still returns
- stomach worms
- subject terms
- sugar corns
- superfarms
- swallow thorns
- take up arms
- tempo turns
- ten-day ferns
- the tide turns
- the worm turns
- timber worms
- trailing horns
- trophoderms
- tuber ferns
- turkey corns
- twist their arms
- twist your arms
- twists and turns
- twists their arms
- twists your arms
- unconcerns
- uniterms
- up in arms
- vigogne yarns
- walking ferns
- walnut worms
- water ferns
- waxy corns
- wet returns
- whiskered terns
- woolly worms
- writing arms
- xanthoderms
- xerotherms
- zygosperms
4 syllables
- angiosperms
- echinoderms
- general terms
- happy returns
- a babe in arms
- absolute terms
- adoptive arms
- antelope horns
- apple skin worms
- assault-at-arms
- assaults-at-arms
- attendant terms
- autoalarms
- bachache ferns
- barber's pole worms
- black scour worms
- bringing to terms
- brother in arms
- brother-in-arms
- brothers-in-arms
- buckler ferns
- buffalo thorns
- by force of arms
- calico corns
- carriage returns
- chance our arms
- chanced our arms
- chancing their arms
- chancing your arms
- chili con carnes
- cinnamon ferns
- climbing hardferns
- collective farms
- college of arms
- coming to terms
- comrade in arms
- contrary terms
- cottages ornes
- crested shield ferns
- diaphragm horns
- dominant terms
- draw in her horns
- draw in his horns
- draw in one's horns
- draw in their horns
- elephant thorns
- enteroderms
- evergreen thorns
- factory farms
- family farms
- first-degree burns
- flowering ferns
- fragrant cliff ferns
- fragrant shield ferns
- fragrant wood ferns
- geoisotherms
- girasol thorns
- gossamer ferns
- guttee de larmes
- hairy lip ferns
- hay-scented ferns
- herald at arms
- herald of arms
- heterotherms
- homeotherms
- homoiotherms
- hourglass worms
- hypsoisotherms
- in glowing terms
- indian corns
- indigo thorns
- infinite terms
- inspection arms
- isallotherms
- james francis byrnes
- kangaroo thorns
- large crested terns
- lay down her arms
- lay down his arms
- lay down one's arms
- lay down their arms
- leatherwood ferns
- left shoulder arms
- licorice ferns
- lifted stem turns
- maidenhair ferns
- march king of arms
- master-at-arms
- masters-at-arms
- measuring worms
- mesectoderms
- mesendoderms
- mesentoderms
- mosquito ferns
- mud-blister worms
- natural horns
- neurectoderms
- nodular worms
- office of arms
- on equal terms
- on first-name terms
- on her own terms
- on his own terms
- on its own terms
- on my own terms
- on one's own terms
- on speaking terms
- on their own terms
- on your own terms
- osteoderms
- outstanding terms
- overconcerns
- palisade worms
- parallel turns
- pimply gut worms
- poikilotherms
- potato ferns
- potato worms
- predicate terms
- prickly shield ferns
- progymnosperms
- pull in her horns
- pull in his horns
- pull in one's horns
- pull in their horns
- rabbit's-foot ferns
- radial arms
- ratio arms
- rattlesnake ferns
- receiving barns
- relative terms
- right shoulder arms
- roll-over arms
- roseate terns
- rough alpine ferns
- secular arms
- sensitive ferns
- sergeant at arms
- sergeants at arms
- silver tree ferns
- sister in arms
- somatoderms
- squirrel's-foot ferns
- strawberry ferns
- syphiloderms
- take in her arms
- take in his arms
- take in one's arms
- take in their arms
- take it in turns
- takes it in turns
- tambookie thorns
- third-degree burns
- thorn-headed worms
- tobacco barns
- tobacco worms
- tomato worms
- took it in turns
- trophectoderms
- twist our arms
- twisted their arms
- twisted your arms
- twisting their arms
- twisting your arms
- twists our arms
- umbrella ferns
- umbrella thorns
- unicorn's horns
- venus hair ferns
- venus' hair ferns
- white-headed terns
- white-winged black terns
- with open arms
- woolly lip ferns
5 syllables
- alpine lady ferns
- anterior horns
- asparagus ferns
- chancing our arms
- chordamesoderms
- crucifixion thorns
- cytotrophoderms
- ectomesoderms
- elephant-ear ferns
- endomesoderms
- entomesoderms
- epithelial germs
- evergreen wood ferns
- everlasting thorns
- exponential horns
- garter king of arms
- gentleman-at-arms
- gentlemen-at-arms
- giant holly ferns
- giant kidney worms
- indefinite terms
- interrupted ferns
- ireland king of arms
- isobathytherms
- isogeotherms
- jerusalem thorns
- jesse louis burns
- kenneth lauren burns
- large-mouthed bowel worms
- lesser crested terns
- lesser stomach worms
- lyon king of arms
- lyon kings of arms
- malaria germs
- marginal shield ferns
- messenger-at-arms
- messengers-at-arms
- mountain holly ferns
- neuroectoderms
- norroy king of arms
- officer at arms
- officer of arms
- oleander ferns
- on our own terms
- posterior horns
- proangiosperms
- raspberry fruit worms
- resurrection ferns
- second-degree burns
- spiny-headed worms
- spruce foliage worms
- sweet-potato worms
- take into her arms
- take into his arms
- take into one's arms
- take into their arms
- taken it in turns
- taking it in turns
- thorny-headed worms
- twisted our arms
- twisted stomach worms
- twisting our arms
- ulster king of arms
6 syllables
- adsorption isotherms
- be on intimate terms
- clarenceux king of arms
- clarenceux kings of arms
- contradiction in terms
- diminishing returns
- in no uncertain terms
- lord lyon king of arms
- many happy returns
- open a can of worms
- pecan carpenter worms
- representative firms
- southern maidenhair ferns
- take someone in her arms
- take someone in his arms
- take someone in one's arms
- take someone in their arms
- take the bull by the horns