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Words that Almost Rhyme with defervescent
3 syllables
- argument
- armament
- arsenate
- arsonist
- at present
- bergamot
- corpulent
- firmament
- formalist
- fortunate
- herbalist
- journalist
- martinet
- organist
- ornament
- parliament
- permanent
- the present
- tournament
- turbulent
- unpleasant
- carcanet
- orpiment
- termagant
- arbalest
- arbalist
- blood pheasant
- burgonet
- co-present
- compresent
- copresent
- corposant
- crow pheasant
- crushed levant
- displeasant
- eared pheasant
- gold pheasant
- horned pheasant
- lyre pheasant
- mount pleasant
- re-present
- reed pheasant
- reeve's pheasant
- sarsenet
- sea pheasant
- snow pheasant
- swamp pheasant
- workbasket
4 syllables
- advertisement
- apportionment
- appurtenant
- bicarbonate
- coordinate
- determinant
- determinist
- disarmament
- emarginate
- encirclement
- extortionate
- impermanent
- impertinent
- importunate
- invertebrate
- omnipresent
- proportionate
- rearmament
- subordinate
- supernatant
- unfortunate
- contortionist
- operculate
- amherst pheasant
- annie besant
- chinese pheasant
- corsepresent
- decarbonate
- disheartenment
- golden pheasant
- interjacent
- mountain pheasant
- native pheasant
- peacock pheasant
- pukras pheasant
- ring-necked pheasant
- silver pheasant
- specious present
- stinking pheasant
- water pheasant