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Words that Almost Rhyme with crofts
1 syllable
2 syllables
- exhausts
- agusts
- azoths
- bark cloths
- bee moths
- betroths
- black frosts
- board cloths
- book cloths
- buck moths
- bud moths
- charge-offs
- chincoughs
- clothes moths
- cup moths
- dance-offs
- defrosts
- die-offs
- dough troughs
- drop cloths
- eaves troughs
- face-offs
- fault troughs
- fence-offs
- fig moths
- fish moths
- fox moths
- ghost moths
- glass cloths
- glazed frosts
- goat moths
- gold cloths
- grain moths
- grass cloths
- grass moths
- green cloths
- ground cloths
- ground frosts
- hair moths
- hellbroths
- hoarfrosts
- jack frosts
- kinkcoughs
- leek moths
- long offs
- meal moths
- mid offs
- mill moths
- monk's cloths
- nun moths
- one-offs
- owl moths
- pea moths
- peach moths
- pede cloths
- pentroughs
- pin cloths
- pine moths
- pitch moths
- plume moths
- press cloths
- pug moths
- puss moths
- rake-offs
- ripostes
- rood cloths
- sack moths
- scene cloths
- scotch broths
- screen cloths
- sea cloths
- sea froths
- sea moths
- shake-offs
- shark moths
- sheath moths
- shoot moths
- silk moths
- slake troughs
- snout moths
- snow-broths
- sod cloths
- sphinx moths
- sponge cloths
- spurge moths
- stage cloths
- sting moths
- sweat cloths
- taste-offs
- tip moths
- top cloths
- tow cloths
- vine moths
- washtroughs
- wax moths
- weight cloths
- wheat moths
- white frosts
- witch moths
- wood moths
- wool moths
- write-offs
3 syllables
- airplane cloths
- alembroths
- algaroths
- almond moths
- alpine choughs
- altar cloths
- antler moths
- apple moths
- aster cloths
- balloon cloths
- barley broths
- basket cloths
- bill of costs
- billiard cloths
- binder's cloths
- bogong moths
- brown-tail moths
- buff-tipped moths
- bugong moths
- bumping troughs
- buntline cloths
- burnet moths
- cabbage moths
- cactus moths
- cadet cloths
- carpet moths
- casement cloths
- chamois cloths
- chimney cloths
- chocolate moths
- clearwing moths
- codling moths
- crocus cloths
- cuckoo froths
- dagger moths
- dinner cloths
- double cloths
- dust exhausts
- ermine moths
- flannel moths
- flour moths
- footman moths
- friar's cloths
- gamma moths
- garnet cloths
- gold-tail moths
- granite cloths
- grape plume moths
- grapevine moths
- gunny cloths
- hammercloths
- hammock cloths
- handmaid moths
- hardware cloths
- hook-tip moths
- io moths
- isomorphs
- jewel cloths
- killing frosts
- lackey moths
- ladies' cloths
- lady's cloths
- lappet moths
- leathercloths
- leopard moths
- lobster moths
- luna moths
- magpie moths
- meal snout moths
- mesomorphs
- metal cloths
- momie cloths
- mummy cloths
- neomorphs
- owlet moths
- palmer moths
- peach tip moths
- peacock moths
- pentecosts
- peppered moths
- permafrosts
- pernyi moths
- pilot cloths
- pina cloths
- pine-tube moths
- pitch twig moths
- pleomorphs
- pulpit cloths
- rabbit moths
- raisin moths
- regal moths
- royal moths
- rustic moths
- salt-marsh moths
- satin moths
- seeding troughs
- shavuoths
- silence cloths
- silver cloths
- silver moths
- spongy moths
- spruce bud moths
- toilet cloths
- tuber moths
- tussock moths
- veneer moths
- vine hawk moths
- virgin moths
- waffle cloths
- walnut moths
- water moths
- weather cloths
- webbing moths
- whistling moths
- white-winged choughs
- willow moths
- winter moths
- wire cloths
- yucca moths
- zeomorphs
4 syllables
- angola cloths
- angoumois moths
- arba kanfoths
- buffalo cloths
- buffalo moths
- cacao moths
- caracul cloths
- carpenter moths
- cinnabar moths
- coccothraustes
- communion cloths
- counterripostes
- cynthia moths
- diamondback moths
- emperor moths
- empire cloths
- eudemis moths
- grape-berry moths
- greater wax moths
- hummingbird moths
- middle and offs
- orange fruit moths
- pandora moths
- pelargomorphs
- pineapple cloths
- pneumatic troughs
- poplar goat moths
- poplar hawk moths
- potato moths
- power take-offs
- sal alembroths
- scallop-shell moths
- sugaring offs
- sunflower moths
- swallow-tailed moths
- tapestry moths
- tobacco cloths
- tobacco moths
- turpentine moths
- unicorn moths
- vapourer moths
- velleda moths
- venetian cloths
- watering troughs
- webbing clothes moths
5 syllables
- angoumois grain moths
- casemaking clothes moths
- cecropia moths
- eye-spotted bud moths
- heliothis moths
- henrietta cloths
- imperial moths
- light-brown apple moths
- pepper-and-salt moths
- pine pandora moths
- polyphemus moths
- processional moths
- promethea moths
- prometheus moths
- sequoia pitch moths
- strawberry crown moths
- white-marked tussock moths