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Words that Almost Rhyme with charisticary
3 syllables
- fishery
- glittery
- history
- injury
- jittery
- livery
- misery
- mystery
- piggery
- pillory
- silvery
- slippery
- victory
- witchery
- bilberry
- bistoury
- frippery
- gingery
- ginnery
- mistery
- printery
- shimmery
- shivery
- splintery
- stitchery
- whiggery
- whispery
- wintery
- bibbery
- biddery
- bitchery
- blistery
- cillery
- cindery
- clinkery
- diskery
- dithery
- drinkery
- fibbery
- fingery
- finsbury
- fishberry
- fissurae
- fissury
- flippery
- frillery
- glibbery
- gliddery
- glimmery
- gyppery
- hillary
- hipberry
- hymnary
- inkberry
- kinnery
- licury
- lingberry
- littery
- lizary
- minchery
- minkery
- nitery
- phyllary
- pilfery
- pillary
- pimpery
- pitcheri
- priggery
- psithyri
- quivery
- rivery
- rytary
- scriptory
- scrivenery
- shinnery
- shinwari
- simsbury
- singerie
- skinnery
- skippery
- skittery
- sliddery
- slithery
- smithery
- smytrie
- spinnery
- spivery
- squibbery
- stillery
- tilbury
- timbery
- tincturae
- tindery
- tinnery
- trinary
- trippery
- twiggery
- twinberry
- twittery
- vivary
- whinberry
- whiskery
- wiggery
- wimberry
4 syllables
- artillery
- auxiliary
- bacillary
- consistory
- delivery
- distillery
- herbivory
- in victory
- life history
- periphery
- reliquary
- case history
- make history
- rotisserie
- achilary
- amphigory
- bewitchery
- black twinberry
- blast injury
- boat livery
- bog bilberry
- carnivory
- commissurae
- confiserie
- descriptory
- dwarf bilberry
- elytri-
- free fishery
- great bilberry
- incisurae
- noninjury
- pecksniffery
- predictory
- quicksilvery
- real injury
- red inkberry
- reinjury
- rescissory
- seal fishery
- self-injury
- strand fishery
- tall bilberry
- trash fishery
- unlivery
- vanillery
- vivipary
- whale fishery
5 syllables
- ancient history
- contradictory
- ethnohistory
- nondelivery
- oral history
- premaxillary
- redelivery
- social history
- submaxillary
- valedictory
- field artillery
- misdelivery
- on delivery
- psychohistory
- admaxillary
- alpine bilberry
- bad delivery
- benedictory
- bimaxillary
- breech delivery
- cadmean victory
- cataphyllary
- checkered history
- coast artillery
- common fishery
- credit history
- edmund hillary
- egg-white injury
- epiphysary
- geohistory
- insectivorae
- interdictory
- jail delivery
- light artillery
- maledictory
- moral victory
- mountain misery
- penicillary
- polyhistory
- postdelivery
- pre-delivery
- predelivery
- protohistory
- pyrrhic victory
- rewrite history
- several fishery
- sudden victory
- sweeping victory
- trench artillery
- whiplash injury
- winter injury
6 syllables
- eleemosynary
- family history
- heavy artillery
- intermaxillary
- medical history
- natural history
- personal injury
- special delivery
- bodily injury
- cultural history
- peripapillary
- alternate history
- cash on delivery
- claim and delivery
- coccobacillary
- colibacillary
- common of fishery
- curbside delivery
- deferred delivery
- employment history
- ethmomaxillary
- go down in history
- light field artillery
- mounted delivery
- nasomaxillary
- needlestick injury
- noncontradictory
- pass into history
- railway artillery
- rural delivery
- self-contradictory
- septomaxillary
- sir edmund hillary
- sphenomaxillary
- spino-olivary
- streptobacillary
- supramaxillary
- the course of history
- the rest is history
- zygomaxillary
7 syllables
- general delivery
- legislative history
- accidental injury
- acquired brain injury
- actinobacillary
- actual delivery
- add insult to injury
- alternative history
- collect on delivery
- constructive delivery
- do oneself an injury
- great bodily injury
- medium artillery
- palatomaxillary
- position artillery
- premature delivery
- pterygomaxillary
- put out of its misery
- recorded delivery
- rural free delivery
- symbolic delivery
- temporomaxillary
- tender of delivery
- traumatic brain injury