Words to Describe spittoon
Things spittoon often describes ("spittoon ________")
How spittoon often is described ("________ spittoon")
- porcelain
- spanish
- heavenly
- ornate
- golden
- big
- fashioned
- distant
- vast
- inevitable
- wooden
- hit
- white
- similar
- clean
- the
- old
- polished
- tall
- superb
- small
- heavy
- universal
- used
- miserable
- shaped
- huge
- massive
- ordinary
- box
- makeshift
- nearby
- gigantic
- shiny
- ceramic
- dutch
- brass
- battered
- damp
- handy
- dented
- filled
- presidential
- enamelled
- brown
- royal
- portable
- occasional
- priceless
- elizabethan
- dental
- antique
- convenient
- cornered
- dirty
- imaginary
- bright
- tarnished
- large
- proper
- friendly
- blue
- talismanic
- wrought
- plated
- nearest