Words to Describe peek
Things peek often describes ("peek ________")
How peek often is described ("________ peek")
- rare
- hasty
- wee
- voyeuristic
- reinforced
- privileged
- discreet
- sneaky
- fascinating
- careful
- surreptitious
- sidelong
- sideways
- hull
- exclusive
- exciting
- momentary
- frightened
- tantalizing
- object
- anxious
- little
- hurried
- fast
- casual
- sulfonated
- tiniest
- sly
- nice
- better
- sneak
- interesting
- revealing
- shy
- free
- tiny
- graphite
- cautious
- unexpected
- occasional
- slightest
- quick
- tentative
- slight
- cursory
- closer
- unauthorized
- scenes
- first
- intimate
- eye
- inside
- worth
- curious
- tipsy
- pure
- sun
- secret
- and
- final
- sharp
- crystalline
- neat
- preliminary
- note
- amorphous
- brief
- minute
- last
- furtive