Words to Describe noise
Things noise often describes ("noise ________")
- levels
- criteria
- generating
- cancelling
- operated
- driven
- band
- reduction
- makers
- canceling
- criterion
- based
- oscillators
- density
- considerations
- reducing
- discrimination
- factor
- modulated
- gates
- figure
- shaping
- resistant
- channel
- excited
- ratio
- shock
- control
- tolerant
- conference
- source
- generator
- distributions
- amplifier
- rating
- filtering
- suppression
- abatement
- signal
- producing
- immune
- robust
- con
- related
- frequency
- measurements
- power
- margin
- prevention
- ratios
- sources
- maker
- proceedings
- enhanced
- adding
- exposure
- characteristics
- estimation
- final
- measurement
- making
- cancellation
- generation
- standards
- immunity
- echo
- level
- indices
- saturation
- sound
- measuring
- generators
- the
- exposures
- pollution
- temperature
- exposed
- emissions
- free
- voltage
- texture
- equivalent
- limited
- environments
- induced
- shaped
- aware
- performance
- emission
- amplifiers
- distortion
How noise often is described ("________ noise")
- tremendous
- terrible
- impulsive
- electronic
- unwanted
- big
- sudden
- distant
- unusual
- white
- loudest
- dull
- excess
- much
- harsh
- great
- more
- less
- extraneous
- environmental
- steady
- joyful
- frightful
- confused
- outside
- terrific
- shrill
- loud
- little
- enough
- internal
- horrible
- acoustic
- faint
- audible
- awful
- peculiar
- mechanical
- deafening
- dreadful
- ambient
- constant
- excessive
- low
- atmospheric
- fearful
- mere
- louder
- unexpected
- electrical
- considerable
- broadband
- thunderous
- odd
- slightest
- intense
- slight
- incessant
- least
- rumbling
- multiplicative
- shot
- statistical
- infernal
- carrier
- gaussian
- signal
- curious
- continuous
- unnecessary
- additive
- hideous
- muffled
- thermal
- strange
- soft
- sharp
- random
- external
- amplifier
- funny