Words to Describe carlyle
Things carlyle often describes ("carlyle ________")
- records
- replies
- drugs
- emerson
- portrait
- shares
- exclaims
- notes
- letters
- browning
- points
- returns
- correspondence
- remarks
- strikes
- mill
- judges
- house
- answers
- lives
- dalton
- hints
- theory
- visits
- deals
- read
- touches
- cries
- half
- knocks
- delights
- states
- finishes
- balzac
- appeals
- marks
- hypothesis
- mansions
- proceeds
- dresses
- family
- bids
- the
- controversy
- talks
- put
- attempts
- comments
- classes
- sneers
- reports
- goethe
- literature
- ruskin
- thunders
- calls
- revels
- praises
How carlyle often is described ("________ carlyle")
- english
- loosest
- rugged
- goethe
- present
- faithful
- gentle
- net
- colossal
- compare
- aged
- froude
- much
- old
- century
- great
- emerson
- young
- late
- real
- burly
- latest
- disappointed
- crabbed
- scottish
- famous
- squire
- contemporary
- dear
- standing
- genuine
- mystic
- comic
- elder
- grim
- later
- victorian
- seventeenth
- british
- splenetic
- solvent
- fourth
- bitter
- youthful
- bless
- helpful
- poetic
- fancy
- true
- affectionate
- younger
- sour
- dyspeptic
- nineteenth
- day
- mystical
- fashionable
- delightful
- sinister
- typical
- future
- illustrious
- caustic
- romantic
- ready
- poor
- handsome
- crusty
- earlier
- last