Words to Describe brahman
Things brahman often describes ("brahman ________")
- atman
- hereford
- kshatriya
- knowledge
- castes
- masses
- villages
- movements
- fire
- worlds
- divinity
- boys
- mantra
- caste
- feeling
- realization
- falsity
- graduates
- cross
- rakshasa
- streets
- complex
- bliss
- sentiment
- families
- killer
- experience
- ideology
- killing
- enquiry
- equation
- leaders
- certitude
- sakti
- worship
- population
- realisation
- teachers
- bania
- intelligence
- self
- identity
- party
- vakils
- groups
- family
- communities
- class
- the
- student
- politics
- nirvana
- community
- priests
- hood
- alliance
- tenants
- relation
- knowers
- hindus
- priest
- classes
- street
- funerals
- splendour
- knower
- conception
- slaying
- jnana
- god
- intuition
- world
- consciousness
- students
- doctrine
- struggle
- movement
How brahman often is described ("________ brahman")
- manifest
- unqualified
- converted
- invisible
- determinate
- orthodox
- qualityless
- impersonal
- certain
- intelligent
- anti
- inferior
- infinite
- aged
- highest
- immanent
- wealthy
- old
- pious
- lower
- only
- young
- supreme
- formless
- fearless
- real
- higher
- universal
- dual
- undivided
- atman
- outside
- changeless
- active
- unconditioned
- pervading
- indivisible
- conditioned
- unchanging
- imperishable
- born
- proud
- immortal
- visible
- existent
- wise
- blissful
- pervasive
- omniscient
- luminous
- undifferentiated
- effected
- eternal
- indeterminate
- true
- abstract
- qualified
- transcendental
- noble
- omnipresent
- learned
- neuter
- holy
- transcendent
- ultimate
- unmanifest
- divine
- pure
- rich
- immutable
- poor
- absolute
- silent
- very
- cosmic
- ideal