Words to Describe atonement
Things atonement often describes ("atonement ________")
- stand
- prayer
- atone
- rites
- ritual
- theologies
- one
- theology
- sacrifice
- inculcate
- penance
- story
- individuals
- inconsistent
- book
- presented
- prayers
- liturgies
- ceremonies
- service
- offering
- offerings
- day
- ceremony
- fast
- doth
- sailors
- celebration
- everything
- means
- thought
- theory
- symbolism
- wrought
- appeals
- blood
- fall
- proceeds
- theories
- games
- embraces
- conceptions
- money
- candles
- imagery
- the
- passage
- services
- controversy
- question
- today
- dundas
- liturgy
- atones
- darkness
- texts
- effects
- rituals
- calls
- doctrine
- rite
- sacrifices
How atonement often is described ("________ atonement")
- moral
- terrible
- solemn
- finished
- partial
- necessary
- vicarious
- adequate
- made
- infinite
- spiritual
- meritorious
- definite
- innocent
- annual
- expiatory
- great
- only
- promised
- real
- effectual
- universal
- genuine
- bloody
- perfect
- suitable
- sufficient
- general
- fullest
- blood
- symbolic
- objective
- substitutional
- blessed
- full
- due
- substitutionary
- tardy
- sole
- personal
- christian
- eternal
- true
- penal
- noble
- slight
- least
- sacrificial
- ultimate
- possible
- unlimited
- ample
- proper
- glorious
- offered
- divine
- voluntary
- complete
- poor
- satisfactory
- final
- yearly
- limited
- indefinite
- precious