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The following 2 entries include the term national security.
National Security Agency(NSA)
AgencyDefense Department agency charged with carrying out U.S. communications-security and intelligence-gathering activities. Besides prescribing and overseeing certain security principles and procedures for the U.S. government, and conducting certain foreign intelligence operations, the NSA regulates certain communications channels and operates a national computer security center in support of its defense mission.
National Security Act
Lawcreated several major defense and intelligence institutions, including the National Security Council (NSC), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the U.S. Air Force. The legislation grew out of the nation's wartime experience and a postwar concern over the capabilities and intentions of the Soviet Union. The basic function of the institutions created by the Act is to advise the president on domestic, foreign, and military policies related to national security.