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Aquarius January 20 – February 18 The path less traveled is calling to you.—Tarot.com, Baltimore Sun, 20 Jan. 2024 Completely devoid of signage, the 1.3-mile trail is a joy for those who prefer less traveled trails with a few baked-in challenges.—Mare Czinar, The Arizona Republic, 31 Mar. 2022 In the meantime, in the state’s largest cities, located along its most traveled highways and facing some of the worst air quality issues, there can still be a disconnect.—Jan Ellen Spiegel, Hartford Courant, 22 Jan. 2023 This quarter-mile paved trail from Yosemite Lodge to the base of Lower Falls is perhaps the most traveled path in the park, and is wheelchair and stroller accessible.—Chris Van Leuven, Outside Online, 19 Oct. 2022 See All Example Sentences for traveled