You know what it looks like… but what is it called?
TAKE THE QUIZ“take a~”
The following 57 entries include the term take a~.
take a back seat
idiomatic phrase: to have or assume a secondary position or status : to be or become less important, active, or powerful —often used with to
take a bath
idiomatic phrase: to suffer a heavy financial loss
take a hike
idiomatic phrase: to go away : leave
take a powder
idiomatic phrase: to leave hurriedly
can take a joke
idiom: to not mind when other people make jokes about one
take a battering
idiom: to do poorly
take a beating
idiom: to be beaten badly in a game or contest —often used figuratively to suggest a setback or loss
take a bow
idiom: to bow towards an audience that is applauding —often used figuratively to say that someone deserves to be praised
take a break
idiom: to stop doing something for a short period of time : to rest
take a breath
idiom: to pause and rest
take a chance
idiom: to do something that could have either good or bad results
take a compliment
idiom: to believe that the nice things said about one are true —usually used in negative statements
take a decision
idiom: to make an important and official decision
take a deep breath
idiom: to breathe deeply : to take a lot of air into the lungs
take a dim view
idiom: to have a negative opinion