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TAKE THE QUIZ“state of”
The following 11 entries include the term state of.
state of the art
noun phrase: the level of development (as of a device, procedure, process, technique, or science) reached at any particular time usually as a result of modern methods
state of war
noun phrase: a state of actual armed hostilities regardless of a formal declaration of war
state of aggregation
: one of the three or more fundamental forms, conditions, or states of matter that are commonly considered to include the solid, liquid, and gaseous forms and often others (such as the colloidal)
a good/bad state of repair
idiom: good/bad condition
in a state of denial
idiom: not having fully accepted something
in a state of grace
idiom: having asked God to forgive one's sins
in a state of shock
idiom: experiencing a sudden usually unpleasant or upsetting feeling because of something unexpected
state of mind
noun phrase: a person's emotional state : mood
state of preservation
noun phrase: the condition in which something has been kept
State of the Union address
noun phrase: a yearly speech given by the U.S. President to Congress and the people to tell them about important things that are affecting the country
state of undress
noun phrase: not dressed