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The soldiers were then taken on board the Prague, where the sickbeds were filled, and preparations were made for the return trip to England.—David Kindy, Smithsonian Magazine, 4 June 2024 Hanif Kureishi’s tweets from his sickbed are a bravura performance that is no performance at all.—Judith Shulevitz, The Atlantic, 19 Jan. 2023 From her sickbed, Maria responded with a vengeance, sending Allen and the newspapers a scathing letter decrying his baseness.—Smithsonian Magazine, 30 Nov. 2022 The expectations of his acquaintances and friends who visit him on his sickbed are in line with their own interests.—Christopher Vourlias, Variety, 12 Aug. 2022 So does the early-July arrest of Siberian physicist Dmitry Kolker, alleged to have shared secrets with China, who was dragged from his sickbed and died in custody two days later.—Fred Weir, The Christian Science Monitor, 12 July 2022 The Christie family came to the Fraser home to tell them that Malva was pregnant — and, according to her, by Jamie (Sam Heughan), who Malva claims began an affair with her while Claire was delirious in her sickbed.—Maureen Lee Lenker, EW.com, 11 Apr. 2022 Ricks even came in from his sickbed to sentence Nash.—Mike Sager, Rolling Stone, 17 Sep. 2021 Githaiga watched from her sickbed as the news media showed health officials and fellow nurses and doctors receiving their shots.—BostonGlobe.com, 22 Mar. 2021