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TAKE THE QUIZ“short-tailed”
The following 5 entries include the term short-tailed.
short-tailed weasel
noun: the common ermine (Mustela erminea) chiefly of northern Eurasia and North America that is brown above and white below in summer and in its northern range all white in winter and that ranges from 9 to 15 inches (23 to 38 centimeters) in length including a black-tipped tail that is usually 1 ½ to 3 ½ inches (3.8 to 9 centimeters) long : ermine sense 1a, stoat compare long-tailed weasel
short-tailed albatross
noun: a large and chiefly white albatross (Diomedea albatrus) found in the northern Pacific ocean
short-tailed mealybug
noun: a mealybug having short terminal filaments
short-tailed shrew
noun: any of several North American shrews of Blarina or a related genus with dense usually gray or dark brown fur, a tail less than half the body length, often a toxic saliva, and in some cases scent glands on the sides which release a noxious secretion