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The following 8 entries include the term sea of.
Azov, Sea of
geographical namesea in southeastern Europe east of Crimea and connected with the Black Sea by the Kerch Strait area 14,517 square miles (37,599 square kilometers)
Candia, Sea of
geographical nameChinnereth, Sea of
geographical nameCrete, Sea of
geographical namethe southern section of the Aegean Sea between the island of Crete and the Cyclades Islands
Galilee, Sea of
geographical namelake 13 miles (21 kilometers) long and 7 miles (11 kilometers) wide in northern Israel on the Syrian border traversed by the Jordan River; about 700 feet (212 meters) below sea level
Japan, Sea of
geographical namearm of the western North Pacific between Japan and Korea —traditionally called Sea of Japan in the majority of English-language sources; called East Sea by English-speaking Koreans and by some present-day English-language sources
Marmara, Sea of
geographical namesea in northwestern Turkey connected with the Black Sea by the Bosporus and with the Aegean Sea by the Dardanelles area 4429 square miles (11,471 square kilometers)
Okhotsk, Sea of
geographical nameinlet of the Pacific Ocean in eastern Russia in Asia west of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands