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Mail-in ballots take longer to process as election officials must verify signatures, check for duplicate ballots, and occasionally resend ballots that have been damaged or improperly submitted.—Cami Mondeaux, Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government, 27 Nov. 2024 Make any changes, then tap the checkmark in the blue circle to resend with edits or the X in the grey circle to revert.—Kurt Knutsson, Cyberguy Report, Fox News, 26 Oct. 2024 Others were told to have their doctors resend prescriptions multiple times only to be told there was no drug at all.—Sydney Lupkin, NPR, 17 Apr. 2024 In the case of a collision, the sending computer resends its packet with a delay that has both a random component and an exponentially increasing component that depends on the number of collisions.—IEEE Spectrum, 7 Apr. 2024 See All Example Sentences for resend