You know what it looks like… but what is it called?
The following 10 entries include the term qui.
qui vive
nounbis dat qui cito dat
Latin phrase: he gives twice who gives promptly : payment rendered promptly is worth twice as much
ce n'est que le premier pas qui coûte
French phrase: it is only the first step that costs : only the beginning is difficult
honi soit qui mal y pense
French phrase: shamed be (the person) who thinks evil of it —motto of the Order of the Garter
pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt
Latin phrase: may they perish who have uttered ours (our ideas) before us
qui facit per alium facit per se
Latin phrase: he who does (something) through another does it by himself —used especially as a principle in the law of agency
qui s'excuse s'accuse
French phrase: he who excuses himself accuses himself : making excuses reveals a guilty conscience
qui transtulit sustinet
Latin phrase: He who transplanted (us) sustains (us) —motto of Connecticut
qui va là?
French phrase: who goes there? —used by sentries to demand identification from an unknown person
sauve qui peut
noun: a complete rout