You know what it looks like… but what is it called?
The following 16 entries include the term puta.
put a check on
idiom: to reduce or stop
put a cork in it
idiom—used as a rude way to tell someone to stop talking and especially to stop complaining
put a crimp in
idiom: to prevent (something) from happening or proceeding in the usual or desired way : to affect (something) badly
put a dampener on
idiom: to make (something) less strong, active, or exciting
put a damper on
idiom: to make (something) less strong, active, or exciting
put a foot wrong
idiom: to make a mistake
put a hold on
idiom: to order that something is to be kept for a particular person or time
put a human face on
idiom: to make (something) more appealing, easier to understand, or easier to care about by connecting it to an actual person
put a lid on
idiom: to stop (something) from growing or becoming worse
put a name to (someone or something)
idiom: to think of and say the name of (someone or something)
put a new/different complexion on
idiom: to change the appearance of (something) : to cause (something) to be seen or thought about in a new way
put a price on
idiom: to ask for a particular amount of money for (something one is selling)
put a price tag on
idiom: to say how important or valuable something is —usually used in negative statements to say that something is extremely important and valuable
put a sock in it
idiom—used to tell someone to stop talking
put a tail on (someone)
idiom: to have someone follow (another person)