You know what it looks like… but what is it called?
TAKE THE QUIZ“pride of”
The following 8 entries include the term pride of.
pride of place
noun phrase: the highest or first position
pride of Barbados
: a thorny shrub or small tree (Poinciana pulcherrima) with showy yellow to bright orange-red flowers
pride of California
: a California wild pea (Lathyrus splendens) that is cultivated for ornament and has long climbing stems and large pink or violet flowers
pride of China
pride of India
nounpride of Ohio
: the common American shooting star (Dodecatheon meadia)
pride of the morning
: a light fog or misty dew such as often precedes a fine day
noun: an orchid (Habenaria paramoena) chiefly of southeastern U.S. that has rose-purple to violet flowers with the lip shallowly erose and the terminal lobe deeply emarginate