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TAKE THE QUIZ“on someone”
The following 19 entries include the term on someone.
be rough on (someone)
idiom: to punish or criticize (someone) harshly
give up on (someone or something)
idiom: to stop trying to improve the condition of (someone)
good on (someone)
idiom—used to express approval
have nothing on (someone)
idiom: to have no advantage over (someone) : to not be better than (someone)
keep a watchful eye on (someone or something)
idiom: to watch (someone or something) closely
play a trick on (someone)
idiom: to deceive (someone)
press (something) on (someone)
idiom: to force (someone) to take or accept (something)
put a tail on (someone)
idiom: to have someone follow (another person)
put (something) over on (someone)
phrasal verb: to lie about (something) to (someone)
put the phone down on (someone)
idiom: to end a telephone connection
put the whammy on someone
idiom: to cause someone to have bad luck
settle (something) on (someone)
phrasal verb: to arrange to give (money or property) to (someone)
shame on (someone)
idiom—used to say that someone should feel sorry for doing something wrong
sic (something) on (someone or something)
phrasal verb: to order (an animal, such as a dog) to attack (someone or something) —often used figuratively
take (something) out on (someone)
phrasal verb: to treat someone badly because one feels angry, frustrated, etc.