You know what it looks like… but what is it called?
The following 8 entries include the term if you.
if you ask me
idiom: in my opinion
if you believe that, you'll believe anything
idiom—used sarcastically to discredit the speaker or a statement
if you don't mind my/me asking
idiom—used with a question as a polite way of asking something that could be annoying or offensive
if you don't mind my/me saying so
idiom—used with a statement as a polite way of saying something that could be annoying or offensive
if you like
idiom—used to agree politely to a suggestion or request
if you must know
idiom—used when one is answering a question that one does not want to answer because the information is personal, embarrassing, etc.
if you please
idiom—used to make a polite request
(you're) damned if you do and damned if you don't
idiom—used to say that in a specific situation a person can be blamed or considered wrong no matter what he or she does