The conventions of the book are explained in the front matter.
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My group chat has a recurring debate about epigraphs, and during one of its iterations, a novelist friend said that epigraphs should simply be put into the book: not as front matter, but in the book itself.—Elisa Gabbert, New York Times, 16 Jan. 2025 Add pages for the front matter, back matter, index, glossary and other content.—Peter Gregory, Forbes, 16 Mar. 2023 The front matter includes an alphabetical list of contributors, along with their professions, but none of their credits or even their studio affiliations.—Farran Smith Nehme, WSJ, 18 Nov. 2022 Literary superstars such as Taylor have been eager to take on the role of both guide and medium, providing front matter that links the past with the present by placing classic texts in a contemporary context.—Je Banach, The Atlantic, 8 Sep. 2022 Paging through this front matter feels like waiting for a haunted carnival ride to start, only to be wrong-footed.—Katy Waldman, The New Yorker, 31 Oct. 2019 Some of Richard McGuire’s sequences are taxonomies: bird cages, hats, ice, or the collection of wire shapes that decorates the front matter of this book.—The New York Review of Books, 13 Oct. 2016