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Nearly half involved active hunting by squirrels, who usually pounced on a target vole and restrained it with its forepaws and teeth.—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 18 Dec. 2024 At the Chelsea production offices, an elevator door opened and there was Bing, magisterial in every respect: a lean, muscular hundred and forty-five pounds and, by the prop department’s tape measure, forty-two inches tall from his forepaws to the top of his skull.—Nick Paumgarten, The New Yorker, 6 May 2024 Startled from its slumber, the tennis ball-sized silky anteater raises its forepaws defensively like a boxer.—James Hall, Smithsonian Magazine, 10 Oct. 2023 The Telefol say that this story explains why ground cuscuses have four digits on each forepaw.—Tim Flannery, The New York Review of Books, 3 Dec. 2020 Observers have even reported seeing domestic cats trap two cicadas at once, one under each forepaw.—Jillian Mock, Scientific American, 9 Apr. 2021