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TAKE THE QUIZ“change of”
The following 12 entries include the term change of.
change of heart
noun phrase: a reversal in position or attitude
change of life
noun phrasechange of pace
noun phrasechange-of-day line
nounchange of edge
noun: a skating figure or maneuver in which the skater shifts from one edge of the blade to the other compare serpentine
change of voice
noun: the gradual change in quality and pitch of voice occurring in boys about the age of puberty
a change of air
noun phrase: a different place from where one usually is
a change of scene/scenery
noun phrase: a different place from where one usually is
change of plan
noun phrase: a change to plans that were made
change of seasons
noun phrase: the change from winter to spring, spring to summer, etc.
change of underwear
idiom: additional underwear that one can wear at another time
the change of life
noun phrase: the time of menopause when a woman stops menstruating