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The following 18 entries include the term cat's.
cat's cradle
noun: a game in which a string looped in a pattern like a cradle on the fingers of one person's hands is transferred to the hands of another so as to form a different figure
noun: any of various gems (such as a chrysoberyl or a chalcedony) exhibiting opalescent reflections from within
cat's meow
noun: a highly admired person or thing
noun: a light air that ruffles the surface of the water in irregular patches during a calm
noun: a climbing shrub (Doxantha unguis-cati) with hooked tendrils
noun: a European weed (Hypochaeris radicata) now widely naturalized in North America that has yellow flower heads and leaves resembling a cat's ear
nouncat's pajamas
noun: a highly admired or exceptionally excellent person or thing
cat's purr
noun: a vibratory murmur heard on auscultation or a vibratory fremitus felt on palpation in some cases of valvular disease of the heart
noun: any of several grasses of the genus Phleum
variant of cattail 1
cat's whisker
variant of cat whisker
cat's whiskers
noun: a highly admired or exceptionally excellent person or thing