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The following 32 entries include the term bird's.
noun: any of numerous plants with small bright-colored flowers
adjective: marked with spots resembling birds' eyes
bird's-eye maple
noun: wood of the sugar maple having a wavy grain that causes markings resembling eyes
bird's-eye view
noun: a view from a high angle as if seen by a bird in flight
bird's-foot trefoil
noun: a yellow-flowered European herb (Lotus corniculatus) of the legume family that has claw-shaped pods and is widely grown for forage and for erosion control
bird's-foot violet
noun: a common violet (Viola pedata) of the eastern U.S. with deeply cleft leaves and pale blue to purple flowers
bird's-nest fern
noun: a large epiphytic spleenwort (Asplenium nidus) of tropical Asia and Polynesia that has large lance-shaped leaves and is often grown as a houseplant
bird's nest soup
noun: a soup made with the nest of a swiftlet (especially Aerodramus fuciphagus) that builds it using a glutinous secretion from its salivary glands
noun: an architectural molding with a section resembling a beak
noun: a stonecrop (Sedum acre)
bird's-egg green
nounbird's-eye primrose
noun: any of several bright-flowered primroses
bird's-eye rot
noun: anthracnose of the grape caused by a fungus (Elsinoe ampelina) and manifested by small sunken dark fruit spots with light centers
bird's-eye spot
noun: any of numerous plants having leaves or flowers resembling the foot of a bird