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TAKE THE QUIZ“balance of”
The following 7 entries include the term balance of.
balance of payments
noun phrase: a summary of the international transactions of a country or region over a period of time including commodity and service transactions, capital transactions, and gold movements
balance of power
noun phrase: an equilibrium of power sufficient to discourage or prevent one nation or party from imposing its will on or interfering with the interests of another
balance of trade
noun phrase: the difference in value over a period of time between a country's imports and exports
balance of mind
noun: emotional equilibrium : sanity
balance of nature
noun: a state of equilibrium in nature due to the constant interaction of the whole biotic and environmental complex, interference with this equilibrium (as by human intervention) being often extremely destructive compare erosion
balance of terror
noun: a situation in which the threat of mutual annihilation by nations with the capability to wage nuclear war serves as a deterrent against military aggression and the use of nuclear weapons
shift/tip/tilt the balance of power
idiom: to cause a state or situation in which one country or group (such as a political party) has more power than a competing one