: a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity
teenage angst
angsted; angsting; angsts
: to feel or express anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity : to experience or express angst
"… all that time spent agonizing, angsting, and wasted in so many ways, feeling crappy and not writing … ."—
Zsuzsi Gartner
And there was a whiff of "first-world problems" about two not particularly likeable characters angsting to each other in a trendy-looking gastropub.—
Jeff Robson
—often used with over or aboutYet now we have a Superman who angsts about not having human connections (his marriage to Lois never happened now) and mopes around quite a bit.—
Corrina Lawson
We boomers have moved on to mortgages and taxes, angsting over our teenagers and tending to the first signs of ailments apt to drag us down more quickly than we'd like to admit.—
Robert Benjamin
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