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The following 13 entries include the term VON.
von Willebrand disease
noun: a genetic blood disorder marked by prolonged, excessive, or abnormal bleeding that commonly results in recurrent nosebleeds, heavy menstrual flow, and bleeding from the gums, is caused by deficient or defective von Willebrand factor, and typically occurs in a mild form that is less serious than hemophilia
von Willebrand factor
noun: a large glycoprotein clotting factor circulating in blood plasma that mediates platelet adhesion to collagen at sites of vascular injury, that binds to and protects factor VIII from degradation, and that is deficient or defective in individuals affected with von Willebrand disease
law of von Baer
: von baer's law
von Baer's law
noun: a principle in biology: the development of an organism proceeds from the general to the special and embryos belonging to various classes closely resemble one another in their earlier stages but diverge more and more as development proceeds compare recapitulation theory
von Behr trout
noun: a European brown trout (Salmo trutta)
von Monakow's tract
noun: a rubrospinal tract
von Pirquet's test
noun: pirquet test