You know what it looks like… but what is it called?
The following 9 entries include the term Iton.
take it on the chin
idiomatic phrase: to be badly damaged or affected by something : to be hit hard by something
have it on good/excellent authority
idiom: to know or believe something because you have been told that it is true by someone you trust
hit it on the nose
idiom: to be very accurate about something
lay it on
idiom: to speak in a way that is exaggerated and not sincere
lay it on the line
idiom: to speak very honestly and directly to someone
pass it on
idiom: to tell other people something that one has been told
pour it on
idiom: to talk about something in an emotional way that is not sincere in order to get sympathy, attention, etc.
take it on the lam
idiom: to try to escape —used mainly to suggest or imitate the language of old movies about gangsters
try it on
idiom: to behave badly so that someone becomes annoyed or angry —often + with