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The following 53 entries include the term DEVIL'S.
devil's advocate
noun: a Roman Catholic official whose duty is to examine critically the evidence on which a demand for beatification or canonization rests
devil's claw
noun: any of several herbs (genus Proboscidea synonym Martynia of the family Martyniaceae) of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico that have edible pods yielding a black sewing material used in basket making
devil's club
noun: a spiny western North American shrub (Oplopanax horridus) of the ginseng family having large lobed leaves and stems covered with dense sharp prickles
devil's darning needle
noundevil's food cake
noun: a rich chocolate cake
devil's ivy
noundevil's lettuce
noun: marijuana —usually used with the
devil's paintbrush
noun: a kelp of the genus Laminaria (especially L. saccharina of the Atlantic ocean) having a large flat leathery thallus shaped somewhat like an apron
devil's bit
noun: american hellebore