You know what it looks like… but what is it called?
The following 8 entries include the term Barbary.
Barbary ape
noun: a tailless monkey (Macaca sylvanus) of northern Africa and Gibraltar
Barbary sheep
noun: a wild, chiefly brown bovine (Ammotragus lervia) that is closely related to goats and sheep, is native to dry, rocky, mountainous terrain of North Africa but has been introduced into the southwestern U.S., northern Mexico, and Spain, and has a fringe of long hairs extending from the neck to the inner forelegs and horns that curve outward, back, and down : aoudad
Barbary duck
noun: muscovy duck
Barbary fig
noun: a common prickly pear (Opuntia vulgaris) of the eastern U.S. introduced into North Africa
Barbary horse
nounBarbary lion
noun: the North African lion
Barbary mastic
noun: a mastic obtained from a plant (Pistacia atlantica) of the Mediterranean region