Hear a word and type it out. How many can you get right?
TAKE THE QUIZ“"someone to"”
The following 18 entries include the term "someone to".
beat (someone) to the punch
idiom: to do or achieve something before someone else is able to
bring (someone) to his/her knees
idiom: to completely defeat or overwhelm (someone) —often used figuratively
cut (someone) to the quick
idiom: to make (someone) very upset
drive (someone) to an early grave
idiom: to cause someone to die when fairly young
drive someone to drink
idiom: to cause someone to drink lots of alcohol
give (someone) to understand
idiom: to cause (someone) to believe (something)
lay (someone) to rest
idiom: to bury (someone who has died) —usually used as (be) laid to rest
leave someone to his or her own devices
idiom: to allow (someone) to do what he or she wants or is able to do without being controlled or helped by anyone else —often used as be left to one's own devices
move (someone) to tears
idiom: to affect (someone) so strongly that he or she cries
not for (someone) to (do something)
idiom: not the right or duty of (someone) to (do something)
put (someone) to flight
idiom: to cause (someone) to leave or run away
put (someone) to the sword
idiom: to kill (someone) with a sword
reduce (someone) to silence
idiom: to cause (someone) to become suddenly silent
reduce (someone) to tears
idiom: to cause (someone) to cry
scare someone to death
idiom: to scare someone very much