Words That Start With V (page 12)
Browse the Medical Dictionary
- volatility
- volatilizable
- volatilization
- volatilize
- volatilized
- volatilizing
- vole
- vole bacillus
- volitantes
- volition
- volitional
- volitionally
- Volkmann contracture
- Volkmann's canal
- Volkmann's contracture
- Volkmann's paralysis
- volley
- volleys
- volsella
- volt
- voltage
- voltage clamp
- voltage-gated
- voltammetric
- voltammetries
- voltammetry
- volt-ampere
- Voltaren
- voltmeter
- volume
- volumenometer
- volumetric
- volumetrically
- volumetric analysis
- volumetric flask
- volumetric solution
- voluntarily
- voluntary
- voluntary hospital
- voluntary muscle
- volutin
- volvulus
- vomer
- vomerine
- vomeronasal
- vomeronasal cartilage
- vomeronasal nerve
- vomeronasal organ
- vomica
- vomit
- vomiting
- vomiting center
- vomiting gas
- vomition
- vomitive
- vomitory
- vomiturition
- vomitus
- von Gierke disease
- von Gierke's disease
- von Graefe's sign
- von Hippel-Lindau disease
- von Korff fiber
- von Recklinghausen's disease
- von Willebrand disease
- von Willebrand factor
- von Willebrand's disease
- vortex
- vortexing
- vorticosa
- vorticose vein
- voyeur
- voyeurism
- voyeuristic
- voyeuristically
- VS
- VT
- V-tach
- vulgaris
- vulnerabilities
- vulnerability
- vulnerable
- vulneraries
- vulnerary
- vulsella
- vulsellum
- vulva
- vulvae
- vulval
- vulvar
- vulvectomies
- vulvectomy
- vulvitis
- vulvodynia
- vulvovaginal