Words That Start With R (page 5)
Browse the Student Dictionary
- religiously
- religiousness
- reline
- relinquish
- relinquishment
- reliquaries
- reliquary
- relish
- relishable
- relive
- relocate
- relocation
- reluctance
- reluctant
- reluctantly
- rely
- relying
- remade
- remain
- remainder
- remake
- remaking
- remand
- remark
- remarkable
- remarkableness
- remarkably
- remarriage
- remarry
- rematch
- remediable
- remedial
- remediation
- remedied
- remedies
- remedy
- remedying
- remember
- rememberable
- remembered
- rememberer
- remembering
- remembrance
- remind
- reminder
- reminisce
- reminisced
- reminiscence
- reminiscent
- reminiscing
- remiss
- remissible
- remissibly
- remission
- remissly
- remissness
- remit
- remitment
- remittable
- remittal
- remittance
- remitted
- remitter
- remitting
- remnant
- remodel
- remonstrance
- remonstrant
- remonstrantly
- remonstrate
- remonstrated
- remonstrating
- remora
- remorse
- remorseful
- remorsefully
- remorsefulness
- remorseless
- remorselessly
- remorselessness
- remote
- remote control
- remotely
- remoteness
- remoter
- remotest
- remount
- removability
- removable
- removableness
- removably
- removal
- remove
- removeable
- removed
- remover
- removing
- remunerate
- remunerated
- remunerating
- remuneration
- remunerative
- remuneratively
- remunerativeness
- remunerator
- renaissance
- renal
- rename
- renascence
- renascent
- rend
- rended
- render
- renderable
- rendered
- renderer
- rendering
- rendezvous
- rendezvoused
- rendezvouses
- rendezvousing
- rending
- rendition
- renegade
- renege
- reneged
- reneger
- reneging
- renew
- renewable
- renewal
- renewer
- rennet
- rennin
- renominate
- renomination
- renounce
- renounced
- renouncement
- renouncer
- renouncing
- renovate
- renovated
- renovating
- renovation
- renovator
- renown
- renowned
- rent
- rentable
- rental
- renter
- renunciation
- reopen
- reorder
- reorganization
- reorganize
- reorganizer
- rep
- repackage
- repaid
- repair
- repairable
- repairer
- repairman
- reparable
- reparation
- reparative
- repartee
- repast
- repatriate
- repatriated
- repatriating
- repatriation
- repay
- repayable
- repaying
- repayment
- repeal
- repealable
- repealer
- repeat
- repeatable
- repeated
- repeatedly
- repeater
- repeating decimal
- repel
- repellant
- repelled
- repellency
- repellent
- repellently
- repeller
- repelling
- repent
- repentance
- repentant
- repentantly
- repenter
- repercussion
- repercussive
- repertoire
- repertories
- repertory
- repetition
- repetitious
- repetitiously
- repetitiousness
- repetitive
- repetitively
- repetitiveness
- repine
- repiner
- replace
- replaceable
- replacement
- replacement set
- replant
- replenish
- replenisher
- replenishment
- replete
- repleteness
- repletion
- replica
- replicate
- replicated
- replicating
- replication
- replied
- replier
- replies
- reply
- replying
- report
- reportable
- report card
- reportedly
- reporter
- reportorial
- reportorially
- repose
- reposed
- reposeful
- reposefully
- reposefulness
- reposing
- reposition
- repositories
- repository
- repossess
- repossession
- reprehend
- reprehensible
- reprehensibleness
- reprehensibly
- reprehension
- represent
- representable
- representation
- representational
- representative
- representatively
- representativeness
- representer
- repress
- repressed
- repressible
- repression
- repressive
- repressor
- reprieve
- reprieved
- reprieving
- reprimand
- reprint
- reprinter
- reprisal
- reproach
- reproachable
- reproacher
- reproachful
- reproachfully
- reproachfulness
- reproachingly
- reprobate
- reprobated
- reprobating
- reprobation
- reprocess
- reproduce
- reproducer
- reproduction
- reproductive
- reproof
- reprove
- reproved
- reproving