Word of the Day
: September 15, 2015modicum
playWhat It Means
: a small portion : a limited quantity
modicum in Context
If you had possessed a modicum of sense, you would have paused to think before accepting such a dangerous job.
"If that piece isn't covered with a swath of dressing, a modicum of blue cheese and a crumble of bacon, maneuver your knife to make that happen." - David Hagedorn, The National Post, 11 Aug. 2015
Did You Know?
What does modicum have to do with a toilet? It just so happens that modicum shares the same Latin parent as commode, which is a synonym of "toilet." Modicum and commode ultimately derive from the Latin noun modus, which means "measure." Modicum (which, logically enough, refers to a small "measure" of something) has been a part of the English language since the 15th century. It descends from the Latin modicus ("moderate"), which is itself a descendant of modus. Modus really measures up as a Latin root-it also gave us mode (originally a kind of musical "measure"), modal, model, modern, modify, and modulate. More distant relatives include mete, moderate, and modest.
Name That Synonym
What synonym of modicum begins with "s" and can also refer to the dimensions of timber or to a small piece of lumber? The answer is …
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