Word of the Day
: August 5, 2014viridity
playWhat It Means
1 a : the quality or state of being green
b : the color of grass or foliage
2 : naïve innocence
viridity in Context
"Those who can barely remember that the 't' is silent in 'merlot' may be tempted to stay away, fearing wine snobs will chortle at their viridity." - Christopher Muther, Boston Globe, January 27, 2005
"From the top of the 'mountain,' if you want to call 600 feet a mountain, Penobscot Bay shimmered blue against the viridity of the forested hills in a true postcard moment." - Mary Ann Anderson, Pittsburgh Tribune Review, August 16, 2009
Did You Know?
"Viridity" is simply a highfalutin way to say "greenness" in both its literal and figurative senses. "Greenness" goes all the way back to Old English "grēnnes," from "grēne" ("green"), a word akin to Old English "grōwan" ("to grow"). "Viridity" did not enter the language until the 15th century, when it was adopted into Middle English (as "viridite") from Middle French "viridité." The ultimate source of "viridity," however, is Latin "viriditas" ("greenness"), itself drawn from the root "viridis" ("green"). "Viridis" is also the source (by way of Middle French "verdoyant") of English "verdant," as well as "verdancy," yet another fancy synonym for "greenness."
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