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The following 11 entries include the term voce.
mezza voce
adverb or adjective: with medium or half volume —used as a direction in music
sotto voce
adverb or adjective: under the breath : in an undertone
viva voce
adverb: by word of mouth : orally
viva voce
adjective: expressed or conducted by means of speech : orally sense 1
viva voce
noun: an examination conducted viva voce
colla voce
adverb (or adjective)messa di voce
noun: the singing of a gradual crescendo and decrescendo on a long sustained tone —used of a vocal technique originating in 18th century bel canto
messe di voce
plural of messa di voce
una voce
adverb: with one voice : unanimously
voce piena
adverb (or adjective): with full voice —used as a direction in music
voce velata
adverb (or adjective): with veiled voice —used as a direction in music