Hear a word and type it out. How many can you get right?
TAKE THE QUIZ“thereis”
The following 6 entries include the term thereis.
there is no escaping
idiom—used to say that something is certainly true, real, etc., and cannot be avoided or denied
there is no free lunch
idiom—used to say that it is not possible to get something that is desired or valuable without having to pay for it in some way
there is no question of
idiom—used to say that there is no chance of something happening or of someone doing something
there is no such thing as a free lunch
idiom—used to say that it is not possible to get something that is desired or valuable without having to pay for it in some way
there is strength in numbers
idiom—used to say that a group of people has more influence or power than one person
there is to be said for
idiom—used with words such as something, a lot, much, etc., to indicate that something has advantages which deserve to be considered when someone is thinking about what to do