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The following 186 entries include the term on the.
corn on the cob
noun phrase: ears of corn with or without their leafy outer covering
adjective: having or involving an inconspicuous but effective point of observation
noun: a person who is on hand and ready to perform a service or respond to an emergency
man on the street
noun phraseon the cheap
idiomatic phrase: at minimum expense : cheaply
on the game
idiomatic phrase: working as a sex worker
adjective: of, relating to, or being something (such as training or experience) learned, gained, or done while working at a job
put on the dog
idiomatic phrase: to make a showy display : to pretend that one is very stylish or rich
Sermon on the Mount
noun phrase: an ethical discourse delivered by Jesus and recorded in Matthew 5–7 and paralleled briefly in Luke 6:20–49
noun: a spurge (Euphorbia marginata) of the central and western U.S. that has showy white-bracted flower clusters and is grown as an ornamental
take it on the chin
idiomatic phrase: to be badly damaged or affected by something : to be hit hard by something
water on the knee
noun phrase: an accumulation of synovial fluid in the knee joint (as from injury or disease) marked especially by swelling
nounblot on the escutcheon
: a disgrace in a family record : a stain in reputation