Hear a word and type it out. How many can you get right?
The following 15 entries include the term keepa.
keep a civil tongue
idiom: to speak politely
keep a close check on
idiom: to watch closely
keep a close watch/eye
idiom: to watch closely
keep a close watch over
idiom: to watch (someone or something) closely
keep a cool head
idiom: to stay calm
keep a diary
idiom: to write regularly in a diary
keep a level head
idiom: to remain calm
keep a lid on
idiom: to keep (something secret) from being known
keep a rein on
idiom: to limit or control (something)
keep a secret
idiom: to not tell anyone else information that is meant to be hidden from other people
keep a sharp eye on
idiom: to watch (someone or something) carefully
keep a straight face
idiom: to not smile or laugh
keep a watchful eye on (someone or something)
idiom: to watch (someone or something) closely
keep a watch out for
idiom: to regularly check to see if someone has arrived or if something has appeared or happened
keep a weather eye on
idiom: to watch (someone or something) very carefully